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            Noncommercial : $AUD60, $US50, $CDN60, DFL120, .UK39
            Systems that qualify for this category must be
            physically run from a noncommercial site. A site is
            considered to be noncommercial only if it is a private
            residence at which no commercial activities are

            Commercial/1  : $AUD150, $US120, $CDN150, DFL280, .UK95
            If the system is physically run from a commercial site
            (ie. the site is not a private residence, or commercial
            activities are conducted at the site), but does not
            generate revenue as part of the PRIMARY commercial
            activities conducted at that site.

            Commercial/2  : $AUD350, $US265, $CDN350, DFL625, .UK235
            If the system generates revenue as part of the
            primary commercial activities conducted at the system

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson